Blog15 articles

I usually write about the web, career and website development.
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What is Astro Framework?

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Astro is a new Javascript framework, so discover what makes it special and what are its core features.

Node Version Manager

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NVM, or Node Version Manager. What is it and why we should use it?

Cross-browser testing

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Cross-browser testing and how to test your site with Browserstack

Postgres connect URL

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How to connect postgres database with URL

JavaScript 101: Arrays

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Guide to javascript array methods

PHPStorm Allow Network Connections on Startup

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How to fix PHPStorm network connections error on startup

Difference between absolute and relative URL in HTML

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Everything you need to know about link addresses. Absolute link vs relative

Tutorial: How to create a grid with flexbox in React

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Creating a flexbox-based Grid component with BEM methodology and clsx

Highly recommended resources for developers

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Check out a list of the best resources and blogs for developers in 2022.

Dispatch table in javascript

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Polymorphism and Dispatch Tables in JS vs for...of Loops

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What is the difference between "" and "for...of"

Introducing the new

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How I built a modern portfolio in 2022, and a list of technologies used

How to use ESLint with TypeScript

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In this post, we'll walk through how to set up linting in your TS project.

Expressions vs Statements

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Understand the important distinction expressions vs statements in JavaScript

How to fix "__dirname is not defined in ES module scope"

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Here is how to fix the "__dirname is not defined in ES module scope" error